Penggunaan Pendekatan CMMI dalam Metodologi Agile Development



Software Development, CMMI, Agile Development, Scrum, Mapping Table


Developing software is actually different from creating software, because there are some rules that must be followed to produce high-quality solutions. CMMI tries help developers to achieve this. In this framework, there are processes that must be met in order for the solution’s quality becomes higher. To achieve this, the documentation process is indispensable. This is somewhat different from the methodology of Agile Development, where it focused on how an application is made as early as possible, produce prototypes (prototype) without the need to create a document for each process. This writing seeks to discuss a staged CMMI approach in which it is used in one of the Agile Development methodology, namely Scrum. Problems that occur when combining the two is an error in use, the lack of accurate information, and the difficulty of terminology. Solutions to these problems can be solved through a mapping table of CMMI processes to Scrum activity.


